When it occurs, erection problems, libido of men to find out what is the value of the useful power, what kind of products should include eating affects the body that it is positive. You have a large list of various food items in a useful way that affects male sexual activity. Among them, a simple vegetable, fruit, or more exotic components.
What is power
According to medical terminology, power – Ayse body's ability to do sexual intercourse. With the ability to translate Latin definition as potential male sexuality. Period features includes:
- to some extent tension the penis;
- speed of erection;
- time active current sexual relationship and the universe.
What a useful power
Psychological and physical factors that lead to libido problems. The study of functional disorders of the pelvic organs blood ties last internship, prostate cancer, prostatitis, by reducing the production of testosterone. The normalization process is important for the following rules:
- to give your body to physical stress – that's why heart function better, improves vitality, normalizes blood circulation;
- an exercise to get started: running, biking, hiking, weight training;
- to join Bath -- this toxins, improves blood circulation;
- to do a foot massage – massage you can do yourself or simply walking barefoot;
- accept contrast bath or shower;
- sexual life for preventing erection problems is a guarantee of regular rides;
- give up harmful foods, alcohol, coffee, medicines, antispasmodics etc.;
- to organize and follow a regime for healthy sleep;
- the easiest way to review the power of power is especially important for the men to return to sexual activity.

The best products for potency
Best features the following products:
- Chocolate – theobromine and phenylethylamine in the composition of biologically active libido increase. It's useful, dark bitter chocolate 65% cocoa and above. Fillers (especially coffee) is a better leaving neglected, as an exception, nuts.
- Quail Eggs – increase sex drive, due to the content, phosphorus, iron, and amino acids. Useful eaten raw up to four pieces a day.
- Chicken egg – poor composition as compared with quail, but economic power. Mix fried egg, onion, pepper male potency. It is not recommended to eat raw.
- Perge – a great product, beekeeping, bees pollen represented. Rich in protein, carbohydrates, incentive, testosterone secretion is increased up to a sufficient level. Daily rate reaches 10 g, use with caution ambrosia honey intolerance or allergies.
Useful because it is already known that male potency products. Learn to increase libido food recipes and blends need to get stayed:
- The mixture of honey, nuts, sunflower seeds, and dried fruit. Appropriate Chichewa, honey, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower. Last May Sprout. Add products to mix into equal parts, 2-3 hours before bedtime or eat prunes. This positive effect on male potency.
- Boiled mackerel soup, crawfish, boiled or cooked seafood. The food there onion with this sauce: sautee half, spices, chopped parsley, celery, lemon juice and a fleshy tomato. Put it for a short while and serve.
- Boiled or baked tomatoes, garlic, olive oil. Increases potency useful products for men includes not only the pronunciation of the dish.
- Dates, almonds, coconut plates. Promotes is that it is already half an hour to give the effect of erections increases sexual desire, male.
Useful for the evaluation of power products
The most effective is considered a large variety of products such as seafood, fish, vegetables (especially turnip). Cicurina proven yet (camel stomach) might have a positive effect on. Characteristically, the right products is not only important, but also the way to use, because the following information will be useful to many.
In the first place. Cicurina
First of all, the giant stomach is considered the best product to restore male power. Here's just are completely harmless to the body. The only downside to this product secuie you can find a thing extremely difficult.
How do you represent that? In fact, this is an ordinary camel, stomach, just the least chocolate in a special way. The tool is considered enough 3 g, goroshina approximately) 30 minutes prior sexual intercourse, or directly in front of you and effect immediately.
In the second place. Oyster
Aphrodisiacs for men because power to encourage very talented there. The thing is, from a variety of shellfish, including organic zinc, and some amino acids – they increase the amount of seminal fluid strengthen testosterone generation. Also got the oysters, dopamine, increase libido. Proven, zinc, and other elements more fully so active this period, reproduction shellfish in the spring. In short, in our case there were prefer to use oysters in the spring was captured.
A large part of the nutrients are lost due to thermal process choose a product because it got soggy. Use lemon juice for the best flavor you can sprinkle them before eating shellfish.
When it comes to contraindications, in this case, these include the following:
- diabetes;
- a weakened immune;
- low acidity;
- liver disease;
- antartico intake, corticosteroid.
A more secure alternative, take a bath, packed 1/3 shellfish, natural light, airy, warm water. You lie down for at least an hour in a bathtub, sexy is a function of in a manner that will increase. 5 procedures treatment of impotence.
Third place. Halibut
Very tasty and useful sexual organ a positive impact on the business. This fish is a very stable protein, and therefore a small amount of connective tissue is well absorbed by the body. Completely preserved fish, all types own properties, you need to prepare a pair of (as an option – Cook, stew). Then until you are ready to bring the heat treatment must stop.
In the fourth row. Boiled mackerel
Contains a lot of fatty acids, Omega-3 and omega-6, including biological synthesis, testosterone, because the positive effects of sexuality for both men and women. You frequently consumed boiled mackerel, then the power will increase, and increase sperm production.
Is in fifth place. Turnip
Many beneficial ingredients that are included in strengthen the body as a whole, the power, and especially the increased testosterone production. Improve erections seeds, turnip, boiled vegetables added to meat dishes the same action.
There is also a special treat, a mixture of which easy to cook by yourself: Cook turnip large 0.5 litres of cow's milk, then grate, and serve him. To reinforce the curative effect for, again, add 100 g of honey. This tool you need to get 50 G 4 times a day.
Other products can help?
This is a power that develops many other products. Presented below to include in your diet as possible without erection problems get rid of something means use a pharmacy.
It activates a high energy value product, thyroxine, in turn, supports nerve centers anxiety. This is not necessarily very useful in the case of meat, because the food ingredients and vitamins erection problems.
The potency of the most useful meat:
- horse meat;
- chicken;
- beef;
- rabbit;
- Lamb;
- frog's legs.
If to talk about a more exotic member of this group, then such attributes are the cock's comb, Drozdov ET, pheasant, as well as Libra/lamb testicles, with sautéed onions.
Ideally, all necessary for cooking a casserole or meat dishes for a couple. Them there vegetables with greens or potatoes. However, too much meat to eat, or to get something to the opposite effect: all power to digest it will take, what will be visibly reduced and sexual activity.
Berries, fruits
Among these are bananas, grapes, raspberries, mango, and other similar products. Libido as they contribute fresh and in dried form, and another to provide the body with the necessary energy. Improved functionality on the production of sexual hormones and the endocrine system.
Too much magnesium, zinc, vitamins C and e, i.e., substances in a positive way that affects an erection. Latest available to increase various nuts, coffee, peanuts, almonds, etc.

To get the biggest flat-screen satellite TV products should be consumed raw. It would be better, the Mac immediately several types, combine them with nuts and honey. Also, remember that is considered the most effective, cedar nuts and coconut.
Representation of pollen (male reproductive cells of those already), bees treated in a special way. In perge, plenty of protein, without which a normal sex life impossible. A good potency also necessary energy reserves can be obtained from Ari. Still that increases testosterone production, increases blood flow to the penis. In short, a product that applies to comprehensive.
To increase strength, you need to use at least 10 grams of bee and every day. If you have impotence, that increase the amount of product in advance to your doctor I know.
Every day as a meal or as a side dish to the main products described above. Power is most suitable for:
- onion (all species);
- garlic;
- cabbage;
- pepper;
- carrots;
- asparagus;
- radish;
- celery.

This vegetables, have many beneficial ingredients, raised libido enhancer and potency. Consume them both Raw and cooked.
Chicken eggs
The composition's a little worse, yes, to use some crude and full of infections. But if you implement them, follow the system that has a positive effect on the reproductive system and hygiene standards.
Dark chocolate theobromine (similar to the effect of, what is caffeine) and phenylethylamine (increases libido, I love the feeling it provokes). It also contains antioxidants, improving mood. Should be preferred, so dark chocolate 65% cocoa at least, and required to use only small amounts of it. Here, the products with fillers is not suitable (or whatever nuts).
Quail eggs
If consumed every day, increase your sex drive, as well as a small amount of time (approximately 60 Minutes) she lives more than one orgasm. This is possible because eggs are iron, phosphorus and amino acids. Drink them raw if they are fresh, so why any illness (body temperature can reach 40 degrees quail, and harmful microorganisms is in all circumstances).
Drink increases the potency
Constant use, beverage, and strengthen the body as a whole will help to solve the following problem erection.
- Freshly squeezed fruit juices. The undisputed leader – this pomegranate juice containing nitrogen (promotes relaxation, improves circulation and the circulation system. Sexual issues, coping well with water, pumpkin, rich in zinc. Watermelon juice contributed to the expansion of blood vessels a positive effect on potency. Also these fruit juices, whole fruits/vegetables don't forget the many vitamins, fruit juices you must have a store to buy not so fresh!
- Ginger tea. Rich in amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and contributes to liquefaction because it strengthen the blood vessel walls, stimulate the brain and removes toxins enhances the activity.
What foods damage the potency?
Male individual products may cause malaise, decreased sexual activity. Obviously, it is desirable to eliminate these foods from your diet, or at least to minimize them an amount. All these adverse effects, strength, and it is impossible to list, so just the main points.
Table. That can harm power.
Name | Short description |
Smoked | Special because of cigarette liquid may cause testicular lesions and toxic – main" producer" of testosterone. |
Coriander | If consumed slowly, then men's health to improve, but the effect will be excessive consumption are diametrically opposed. |
Alcohol | Damaged testicles, of low testosterone production. A particularly dangerous Beer, Alcohol, phytoestrogens also present himself. |
Caffeinated beverages | Eliminating caffeine, free testosterone, days in recommended because of a drink, a cup of coffee. The same is true for energy drinks – they create an illusion as actually removing the damaged vessels and cargo area. |
Soda | They are so cute and so called amp thirst, resulting in dehydration. |
Products are very harmful cholesterol | This pizza, chips, and other fast food, sausages, mayonnaise, all fried in oil and fry. |
Oil on linen/soy/corn | All these fats reduce the production of testosterone. The norm should not exceed 6 tablespoons daily |
Soy | In her photo a lot, the effect is the opposite of testosterone. Use soy instead of meat, such as, different key provoke depression, sexual function. |
White bread by leaps and bounds | At the same time, the harm sexual health. |
Fat milk | Such a milk estrogen in excessive amounts doesn't hurt that male sexual health. Maximum daily rate – 1 L |
Ultimately, remember, as well as all of the above, being male is negatively excessive salt, sugar and other ingredients, a person needs daily.